As my programming knowledge is expanding through my studies in UTCS and self-teaching, I've enjoyed my experiences creating a variety of programs using different technologies. I seek opportunities to challenge myself and expand my skillset, and I am excited to explore my potential of how I can make an impact through computer science, whether it be through software engineering, data science, machine learning, or something else. I'm open to the many possibilities in this field and am excited about how they could change our future.
I'm driven to develop projects meant for a cause, to solve problems, or to enhance the quality of life of a target audience. I'm always open to feedback and criticism on my work to figure out how I can improve, and I observe the impact of my work to see what kinds of additional features users could benefit from.
A Discord web-scraping bot that uses endpoints from RoyaleAPI to show players' card quantities in the mobile game Clash Royale. Discord users can input various commands (who has or who wants a card, which cards of a certain player are tradable), create a wishlist of cards they want, and display a list of smart trade results based on everyone's wishlists.
The bot was initially created using Java, with a MySQL backend to map Discord users to their player tags (using Hibernate) so their player information can be retrieved through HTTP requests. Wishlists were stored in a local directory as JSON files.
My main contributions to this bot included:
A series of Android Java applications created using Android Studio through a remote class on CodePath. These apps included a Flixster app that showed the most popular movies that are now playing, as well as Twitter and Instagram clone apps. The Flixster and Twitter apps used an API to retrieve data, while the Instagram app used a Parse backend to store users and posts.
This remote class taught students the fundamentals of creating Android apps, including: